Sunday, 17 June 2018

Arts Week - busy creating and imagining!

We have had a wonderful week of using all sorts of art materials to create some beautiful individual art works. Please come along in Week 9 on Tuesday or Thursday during 3 Way Conferences and see our School's Art Exhibition.

Here are some of the mufti day outfits of the actors, musicians, dancers and artists.

Rhythm Interactive drumming at school!

We have never seen so many drums in one place at a time! Johnny from Rhythm Interactive was an awesome teacher with great easy to follow chants and patterns to follow. He started us with a basic beat and then progressed to harder rhythms to listen and follow. He had us spellbound and we really enjoyed it! We hope he comes back again to visit - we would love to have another go!

Tinker Time - using the Edisons

New to the Team 3 Tinker Time are a set of Edison Robots. Here is James and Natasha who along with Aayush and Tiffany have been learning with Mrs Lee once a week about new Tinker Time activities. They have been given these roles as they are really interested in technology and how it is used to learn new thinking and problem solving skills. They are now leading our class in learning to use these new programmable robots. Well done Texperts!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from Mrs Trembath and Mrs Smith

(from left) Mrs Smith, Mrs Trembath, Mrs Cammell, Whaea - the 2018 Year 3 team wish you all the best for the Summer Holidays!