Monday, 2 July 2018

Calligraphy in Mandarin and Chinese Culture sessions

R14 have learned how to count in Chinese. We have been using black ink to write the characters on rice paper. There was a correct way to hold the brush and we all had fun trying it out. Thank you Yunye - our Mandarin teacher.


  1. What a wonderful learning opportunity Room 14. We are lucky to have a Mandarin Learning Assistant support us each Monday at Sunnyhills to learn the Mandarin language. Lots of our Chinese learners already speak Mandarin, so they will be able to support the rest of us still learning!

  2. Man that looks hard, especially if you're not Chinese. It's great to see everyone giving it a go.
    By Lucas Urlich


Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from Mrs Trembath and Mrs Smith

(from left) Mrs Smith, Mrs Trembath, Mrs Cammell, Whaea - the 2018 Year 3 team wish you all the best for the Summer Holidays!