Tuesday, 3 April 2018

Feedback and Feed forward - what is that??? Peer Assessment in the form of 2 stars and a wish!

As part of Writing Trip Reports this week we planned using 'The Hamburger Plan'. Then we put our ideas into the correct sequence.

Editing took place in the form of:


underlining words I had tried to spell but did not feel the word looked right to me

using spellrites and dictionaries and other words

changing sentences that could be better with more interesting words

Then in pairs we swapped books.

We each had a slip of paper for peer assessment (marking another person's writing)

We had to read the writing to ourselves then talk to the person about their Trip Recount and write down 2 STARS which is 2 things we noticed they did really well. For example: the ideas were in the correct sequence or the person used some adjectives. 

Then we had to write down 1 wish which is one thing they could work on to get better at in their writing next time. For example: use capital letters or make sure the sentences make sense.

Mrs T was very impressed with how many positive comments as feedback were given and how such a lot of feed forward wishes were suggested. 

1 comment:

  1. I like the way that you have collaborated together to give each other feedback. The 2 stars and a wish is a great way to remember how to give and receive feedback. Keep practising and give great feedback or feedforward.


Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from Mrs Trembath and Mrs Smith

(from left) Mrs Smith, Mrs Trembath, Mrs Cammell, Whaea - the 2018 Year 3 team wish you all the best for the Summer Holidays!