Tuesday, 3 April 2018

Speaking of Sport - Here is the Y3/4 Swimming Carnival last week!

The new heat pump was just put on and made it a great encouragement for everyone. The sun came out and we all enjoyed ourselves. 

 It was very impressive to see how many children challenged themselves to swim lengths and they were given the option of using a board or not. Thank you to the parents who came to watch - it really makes the children's day to see you!


  1. I never new that you were such good swimmers from roman.s

  2. Congratulations on a successful swimming gala. What was your favourite activity in the water? Who could swim a length the fastest?


Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from Mrs Trembath and Mrs Smith

(from left) Mrs Smith, Mrs Trembath, Mrs Cammell, Whaea - the 2018 Year 3 team wish you all the best for the Summer Holidays!