Thursday, 1 February 2018

Cups challenge - can you work as a team?

Can you each take up your role in the game?

Can you make a pyramid from 6 cups - it's harder than you think!

Great job everyone - lots of concentration!


  1. Wow room 14! What a challenge! A lot of team work involved in this activity - a super way to get into listening, communicating and turn taking! What was the most challenging part of this activity?

    1. Hi Mrs Driver,

      my group managed to do the first few levels easily, but then with the last one at the top - the sides wobbled and it fell over. The middle one fell forward and the bottom ones fell backwards. Then with the one we were still holding, Ethan said to pull, so we all did and it fell right out of the elastic band. By the third time, we managed to do it. I had my fingers and toes crossed and was saying in my head "third times the charm".

      It was fun and a funny activity to do.

      Love Alexandra.


Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from Mrs Trembath and Mrs Smith

(from left) Mrs Smith, Mrs Trembath, Mrs Cammell, Whaea - the 2018 Year 3 team wish you all the best for the Summer Holidays!