Sunday, 25 March 2018

Dramaramas! Great drama unfolded at the Museum - a summary of our ideas so far! Thank you so much to the wonderful parents who came along and supported us!

Each of our groups (extra points if whanau participated and I'm happy to say they all have awesome acting skills) had to create a drama of a type of Good Sort we had discussed in our Education Session with the fantastic educator Leichelle.

Here is Jujhar, Brandon and Lucas with Brandon's Mum. They are Ambulance paramedics. Jujhar is great at chest compressions!

Natasha's Mum led the way with Milana, Drake, Aston, and Natasha - can you guess what they are up to??

Here is James, Jason, Yi Fan, Max and Aayush with James' Mum. They are the life boat people rowing out to sea!

Here is a group of life savers rescuing people who are in trouble in the water - can you see their hands up in distress? Beau, Rylee, Ethan, BlakeB, Ayyan with BlakeB's Mum.

Life boat rescuers had to be very strong and row across treacherous conditions from Christchurch Beaches. Here is Alexandra's Gran leading the team of Tiffany, Caprice, David, Stevie-Mei and Sammie.

Oh no! Alexandra's Mum has had her back pack stolen - ring the police! Here they come in their blue uniforms! Alexandra, Geena, Kaya, Tayla and Kiera.

The Cannon was one of the highlights!

What did we find out?

We are in the middle of writing about our trip when the recounts are complete we'll get back to you!

Heading off to learn about Good Sorts at the Maritime Museum!

Sea Heroes of New Zealand - who are they?
Sir Peter Blake
Captain James Cook
Light House keepers
Life boat operators at the beach - now the Life Saving NZ teams

Wednesday, 21 March 2018

Get NZ Writing Project about to wing it's way to Wellington!

Everyone has completed their postcards and this is the end result. The postcards have our own metaphors on the back which we wrote by ourselves. On the front are the colourful designs and put together they make the poem: Every Person is a New Door to a New World.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from Mrs Trembath and Mrs Smith

(from left) Mrs Smith, Mrs Trembath, Mrs Cammell, Whaea - the 2018 Year 3 team wish you all the best for the Summer Holidays!